Natore district headquarter has railway and road communication. Natore sadar upazila can be reached with all regions of the country. From Dhaka, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Khulna, you can come here with the help of rail or road communication.To get to Natore heading from Dhaka to Dhaka, you can go to Kamalapur or Dhaka airport from the Rangpur Express "Rangpur Express" or Dinajpur Gramin "Dartanjan" or Lalmonirhat Gami "Lalmonie Express" by taking a train to Natore railway station. And to come to Natore by bus from Dhaka, you can come to Kalabagan, Kalyanpur, Shyamoli or Gabtali bus stand on Rajshahi, Chapainawabganj or Hanif Enterprise, National, Shyamoli, Country Travels in Natore.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS